dissabte, 10 de març del 2012

Luck is an attiude.

Hi everyone!
Before posting and sharing the following pictures, I'd like to clear that they have been choosen exclusivily because of their aesthetic look, not what they can represent or mean. However, I tried hard to pick the slow ones, hope you enjoy!

Friends are born, not made.

Meet me at the bottom of the ocean.

(For M, forever ago)

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Hola L,
Som quatre noies que ens encanta el teu blog, fa molt que no escrius res. Entenem que estiguis molt ocupada amb exàmens i treballs, però quan tinguis una estona pensa-hi si us plau, perquè ens encanta, tu tornem a dir.
Un petonet.
